Monday, August 3, 2009

FHL Day 3

August 3, 2009
Fort Hunter Liggett
We had a long day today. It seemed like we were going to have just 2 or 3 classes a day, fitting in between meals, but today was different. We had two classes and all our gear issued to us. We went through Electronic Warfare (EW) in the morning, gear issue in the afternoon, an NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) warfare course, and another gear issue. All in all it was some good training, but also a lot of bullshit.
The EW training was great. A lot of the information we discussed requires a SECRET security clearance, so obviously to maintain OPSEC I can’t (and wouldn’t anyway) put it up here. Basically we learned about the systems the military has developed to defeat Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). We have quite a few, some developed by the Marines, some by the Army, but the best are by the Navy. Basically what these systems do is intercept part of, or all of, the signals that a potential RCIED would be sent by a terrorist. The way they do this is by making “noise” around the device, making it near impossible for any signals to penetrate, thus rendering it dead. Some devices are actively seeking signals, and some are purely reactionary. There are also a few TOP SECRET, and therefore awesome, weapon systems we have that actually seek and detonate RCIEDs.
After lunch we had our second gear issue. This one entailed much more than the one yesterday of just an IBA. We were issued all our cold weather gear. It consists of about seven different layers of clothing. A lot of shit we aren’t going to use for another six months, and some of it never. But, as the Army always knows best, we have to carry this crap everywhere with us. If it doesn’t make sense, then that’s the way the Army will do it. We also got our Army Combat Helmets (ACH), Load Bearing Vests (LBE), ruck sacks, butt packs, bandoleers, grenade pouches, gloves, advanced first aid kits, goggles, and glasses. A LOT of shit, most of which we’ll never use. Then it was off to dinner chow.
The after dinner class today, unusual, was our NBC course. It was just a refresher, covering the basics of fighting and protecting ourselves in an NBC environment. We went over how to properly put our gas masks on, the protective suits, and the proper decontaminating procedures. We also talked about what happens if you don’t do it properly. The instructor had a favorite phrase for the convulsing state one develops after being exposed to and NBC threat. Doing the “kickin’ chicken”, while funny, was not a good thing. Actually, with his accent it sounded more like the “kiggin’ chiggen”. It took a few hours, putting us back in the barracks around 2100hrs. Still not done yet.
Just as we were setting up all of our magazine pouches and junk on our IBAs, there comes another gear issue. This one was for our weapons. We received an AimPoint red dot scope for, a cleaning kit, and a front rail system with a handle bipod for our rifles. More extra shit that we don’t need. We had to set it all up tonight, seriously cutting into our rack time and making our 0500hrs wake up actually seem early. And tomorrow we are supposed to be in ‘full battle-rattle’, with all our shit on, and only a few hours of sleep. Yay.


1 comment:

  1. you can do it! liked the part about the kiggin chiggin haha!
    And I like that TOP SECRET = AWESOME!
